Eruv Activity in Pictures
June 28, 2024 - Completed "rov shana" at the lagoon with our airboat.
Rope-style climb due to vehicle inaccessibility and height |
Closeup of eyehook installation |
Arrows show the eyehook installations for two string lechis on same tree. Circles area shows where am aerial string is attached to the tree. |
June 4-6, 2024 - Tree string lechi repairs made for our Eruv.
April 17, 2024 - Dr. Jesse Hefter (left) and Rabbi Elimelech Horowitz perform the Eruv Chatzeros for the Greater Boston Eruv for the coming year.
April 12, 2024 - Dr. Jesse Hefter (left) speaking with students about the ceremony.
April 12, 2024 - Dr. Jesse Hefter (left) with Rabbi Ariel Cohen and the Eruv Chatzeros Matza.
March 31, 2023 - Dr. Jesse Hefter (left) and Rabbi Seth Winberg (Brandeis University) just after the Eruv Chatzeros for the 5783-5784 year.
March 31, 2023 - Dr. Jesse Hefter (right), Rabbi Ariel Cohen (Brandeis JLIC), and some excited students performing the Eruv Chatzeros for the 5783-5784 year.
March 30, 2023 - Rabbi Meilich Horowitz (left) and Dr. Jesse Hefter (right) performing the Eruv Chatzeros for the 5783-5784 year for the Greater Boston Eruv Corporation.
April 8, 2022 - Dr. Jesse Hefter (center) joined by Rabbi Ariel Cohen (Brandeis JLIC) and students participate in the Eruv Chatzeros for the 5782-5783 year.
April 7, 2022 - Dr. Jesse Hefter and Rabbi Meilich Horowitz perform the Eruv Chatzeros for the 5782-5783 year.
April 7, 2022 - The Eruv Field Inspection Team, in their field safety vests, join Dr. Hefter and Rabbi Horowitz. From left - Lea Sendyk, R. Ben Houben, and, on the right, Howard Sendyk.
May 28, 2021 - Carlton Street Bridge in the disassembly process for removal and refinishing. The construction team removed our two Eruv poles for safekeeping until the project is complete.
May 20, 2021 - Dr. Jesse Hefter (in ERUV safety vest) providing a field tour to students from Congregation Kehillath Israel Hebrew School.
March 23, 2021 - Dr. Jesse Hefter (in ERUV safety vest) and two Brandeis students holding the Eruv Chatzeros matzos for the upcoming year after the bracha.
March 21, 2021 - Dr. Jesse Hefter and Rabbi Meilich Horowitz perform the Eruv Chatzeros for the upcoming year just prior to Pesach
April 5, 2020 - Rabbi Meilich Horowitz and Dr. Jesse Hefter perform a new Eruv Chatzeros for the upcoming year just prior to Pesach. Note the COVID-19 precautions.
April 18, 2019 - Rabbi Issac Attia, Dr. Jesse Hefter, and Rabbi Seth Winberg perform a new Eruv Chatzeros for the Waltham/Brandeis Eruv the upcoming year.
April 18, 2019 - Students, Rabbi Issac Attia, and Dr. Jesse Hefter perform the new Eruv Chatzeros for the Waltham/Brandeis Eruv the upcoming year.
April 16, 2019 - Rabbi Naftali Horowitz and Dr. Jesse Hefter perform a new Eruv Chatzeros for the upcoming year.
March 26, 2018 - Rabbi Naftali Horowitz and Dr. Jesse Hefter perform a new Eruv Chatzeros for the upcoming year just prior to Pesach.
March 25, 2018 - Dr. Jesse Hefter and Rabbi Isaac Attia (Brandeis OU-JLIC) perform an Eruv Chatzeros for the upcoming year just prior to Pesach.
April 5, 2017 - Rabbi Naftali Horowitz and Dr. Jesse Hefter perform a new Eruv Chatzeros for the new year.
January 23, 2017 - Dr. Jesse Hefter and Gino Cresta (Town of Swampscott) perform a Kinyan Kesef for Phase 1 Eruv in Swampscott.
October 9, 2016 - Dr. Jesse Hefter and Rabbi Naftali Horowitz perform a new Eruv Chatzeros for the South Brookline/West Roxbury extension.
September 1, 2016 - Reliable Fence truck delivering poles to Boston Eruv for installation between Blakely Hoar Sanctuary and Hancock Village in South Brookline.
August 25, 2016 - Getting rid of tree cuttings during construction in South Brookline.
December 15, 2016 - Dr. Jesse Hefter participates with Rabbi Naftali Horowitxz in an Eruv Chatzeros for the new South Brookline/West Roxbury extension
August 13, 2015 - Rabbi David Pardo (OU-JLIC @ Brandeis) and Mayor McCarthy (Waltham) finish reviewing a segment of the proposed Waltham Eruv.
March 28, 2015 - Dr. Hefter and Rabbi Naftali Horowitz (Boston Rebbe) perform Eruv Chatzayros for the coming year on behalf of all residents living within the Eruv.
December 24, 2014 - Dr. Hefter and Rabbi David Pardo (Brandeis OU/JLIC) perform Eruv Chatzayros for the coming year on behalf of all residents living within the Eruv (now part of the Greater Boston Eruv Corporation).
December 2014 - (L to R): (L to R): Jay Lamport (Congregation Beth Israel - President), Dr. Jesse Hefter (Greater Boston Eruv Corporation - President), Michael J. McGlynn (Mayor - Medford), Rabbi Yitzchak Rabinowitz (Congregation Beth Israel - Rabbi), Matthew Garland (Congregation Beth Israel - Executive Director)
December 2, 2014 - (L to R): Matthew Garland (Congregation Beth Israel - Executive Director), Jay Lamport (Congregation Beth Israel - Treasurer), Gary Christenson (Mayor - Malden), Rabbi Yitzchak Rabinowitz (Congregation Beth Israel - Rabbi), Dr. Jesse Hefter (Greater Boston Eruv Corporation - President)
December 2013 - Meeting with MBCR and MBTA Officials in Swampscott to discuss updated plan for crossing commuter rail tracks.
March 24, 2013 - Dr. Hefter and Rabbi Naftali Horowitz (Boston Rebbe) perform Eruv Chatzayros for the coming year on behalf of all residents living within the Eruv.
Summer 2012 - The BU Beach area under reconstruction after underground sewer pipe cleaning project at the Charles River
A Maimonides student making an adjustment to the 3D model of the Eruv constructed on May 4, 2012 in preparation for the Shabbat Ha-Eruv at the Maimonides Kehillah.
Performing the Eruv Chatzerot on behalf of the entire community, April 3, 2012 at Congregation Beth Pinchas (Left - Dr. Jesse Hefter, Eruv President; Right - Rav HaMachshir - Boston Rebbe, Rabbi Naftali Horowitz, Shlita
A temporary Tzuray HaPesach being placed in Newton at the Harvard Street bridge [Summer 2010]. The bridge was soon after completed and permanent attachments were placed.
Members of the Boston Kollel during a May 2010 tour of the Eruv
Rabbi Zalmen Leff, Rosh Kollel and Dr. Jesse Hefter (Eruv President) during May 2010 Eruv Tour with Kollel Students
Birkat Eruvei Chatzeirot on behalf of the entire Community, March 28, 2010 Rabbi Naftali Horowitz, Bostoner Rebbe (Local Rav Hamachshir), right, and Dr. Jesse Hefter (Eruv President)
Eruv Chatzeirot, 13 Nisan 5765 (2006), Rabbi Naftali Horowitz (Rav Hamachshir), right, and Dr. Jesse Hefter (Eruv President)
Reviewing the BU Eruv Construction, August 27, 2005, Rabbi Moshe Heinemann (Rav Hamachshir), right, and Dr. Jesse Hefter (Eruv President)
(2004 - L to R) Rabbi Yitzchak Rabinowitz (Congregation Beth Israel - Rabbi), Richard Howard (Mayor of Malden), and Dr. Jesse Hefter (Greater Boston Eruv Corporation - President)
The first Eruv Chatzeirot performed by Grand Rabbi Levi Horowitz, zt"l with Dr. Jesse Hefter (Eruv President, left) watched by Dr. Boruch Minaker and Rabbi Naftali Horowitz (Rav Hamachshir), far right [Approximately December 15, 1992]