Greater Boston Eruv Corporation
Celebrating 30 years of community service (1993-2023)


   November 8, 2023 - Haskamot of Harav Moshe Heinemann

Eruv      We have scanned two important documents prepared by Harav Moshe Heinemann for our Eruv in 5764 (2004). The first is a statement of the validity of the Community Eruv. The second is a Teshuva (legal decision) regarding the question of an Eruv that spans multiple neighborhoods where some of the neighborhoods are split by a roadway or highway. This latter question arose here in Boston with the Massachusetts Turnpike bisecting part of the Eruv. The PDF documents are available on the "About" page. We have tremendous Hakaras HaTov for his guidance, leadership, and friendship over the decades!

   November 6, 2023 - Arcadian Hotel - Brookline - Discount Room Rates

Eruv      The Arcadian Hotel, located in the heart of Coolidge Corner and near several synagogues, now offers discounted booking rates for those staying in Brookline over Shabbat. To make your reservation, please use the promo code 'BOSTONERUV10' and use this link.

   October 22, 2023 - OU Sponsors National Eruv Conference

Eruv      The Orthodox Union sponsored a two-day conference for Eruv professionals on October 22 and 23, 2023. The event drew over 60 Eruv professionals across the religious spectrum from 35 cities in 10 states, as well as from Canada. The conference enabled participants to create a network of like-minded individuals who can share of their knowledge and expertise. Further, the participants drew chizuk from the lectures and workshops. You can read more about the conference at the link that follows: Link to the conference article

   September 27, 2023 - Another season at the Larz Anderson Lagoon

Eruv      Another season of utilizing the Larz Anderson Lagoon in South Brookline began today. Each year, starting after Yom Kippur, we place a radio-controlled boat onto the lagoon and have it travel over the water for at least 18 minutes. In order for this procedure to work, that is, to include the lagoon within the Eruv, this activity must be performed a majority of the weeks of the year (which for this Eruv extension started on Yom Kippur, in 2018) which is at least 27 weeks of the year.

   September 13, 2023 - The Winter Eruv for Camp Ramah is ready!

Eruv      We visited the Camp Ramah (Palmer, MA) to ensure that a subset of the main Eruv is ready for fall and winter visitors. We call it the Ramah Winter Eruv. Rabbi Bruce Seltzer, who is responsible for the Camp Eruv met Dr. Jesse Hefter for a complete review of the perimter. Together, we found a series of issues that were carefully remedied. After about 4 hours of work (some in the rain and some in the sun), the Eruv border was completed and is ready for use!
You can read more about the Camp Ramah Eruv here.

   July 9, 2023 - An Eruv for Hong Kong!

Eruv      A portion of Hong Kong, China, was recently encircled by an Eruv. This allows the roughly 3,000 Jewish residents there to more easily move around on the Shabbat. The Eruv was announced in the Times of Israel and you can read about it here

   May 31, 2023 - Maimonides School 6th-Grade Eruv Tour

Eruv      The sixth grade at the Maimonides School in Brookline invited Dr. Jesse Hefter, President of the Greater Boston Eruv, to visit their class and provide some background about Eruv design, halacha, and real-world implementation. The students had just learned several section of Masechet Eiruvin Mishnayot and the presentation helped the students (and teachers) to connect the legal material to the actual implementation. After about a 40 minute classroom dialog, we walked several blocks to the edge of the Eruv and saw the border elements right up-close. The student feedback was positive - connecting classroom content with the real world in actual practice.

Dr. Jesse Hefter explaining the concept of "lechi" in-class.

   March 31, 2023 - Brandeis University, Waltham executes Eiruv Chatzeros for the Coming Year

Eruv      Dr. Jesse Hefter was invited by Rabbi Seth Winberg and Rabbi Ariel Cohen to meet with representative students from the University and execute a fresh Eireuv Chatzeros for the coming year. The students are always excited to participate in this important ceremony!

   February 11, 2023 - 'Uv-ney Yisroel Yotz-im B'Yad Ramah' - An invited presentation to Congregation Kadimah-Toras Moshe

Eruv      Dr. Jesse Hefter was invited by Rabbi Jason Strauss and President Andy Rubin of Brighton's Congregation Kadimah-Torah Moshe to present a Dvar Torah and Funding presentation on Shabbos Yisro to the congregation. We appreciate the opportunity to get the Eruv's message out to the community!

A copy of the Dvar Torah is available.

   February 10, 2023 - South Brookline Infrastructure Update

Eruv      We met with the head of Landscaping and Horticulture at Chestnut Hill Realty in South Brookline to determine how to access a set of Tzuros HaPesach that are hemmed in by a huge dirt pile. In the process of creating the dirt pile, two twine segments were broken. Since the segments in question are part of an exclusion from the main Eruv, the repair is not immediately required.

Our teams reviewed the situation and determined next steps for repairing the two twine segments that will serve our purposes and be out of the way of the continuing construction activities (i.e., the creation of a new parking lot behind a large set of apartments).

We appreciate the continuing support and cooperation from the CHR staff!

   December 2, 2022 - Major Eruv Completed in Brooklyn, NY

Eruv      A major milestone was reached in Brooklyn, NY with the execution of a 99-year lease between the City of New York and representatives of the Brooklyn Eruv Project. This new Eruv extends around all of Boro Park and most of Brooklyn. Mayor Eric Adams completed the Eruv project by signing the lease in a City Hall ceremony. You can read more about the event on BoroPark24.

   November 3, 2022 - Bike Path Nears Completion

Path      We met with representatives of Flett Contracting and Mass DOT today to review final plans for rerouting the Eruv border along the Bike Path between Miner and Maitland streets in Brookline. We agreed to utilize an approach that will minimize the disruption to the Eruv once Children's Hospital begins construction (possibly in 2023) on the parking lot between the Bike Path and Beacon St.

   September 19, 2022 - Hidden in Plain Sight - The Eruv on TV!

Logo      We were recently contacted by a senior producer at WCVBD-Boston, an ABC affiliate, about creating a segment about the Boston Eruv for the Chronicle program. Chronicle was created over 20 years ago and highlights stories of public interest in the greater Boston area. We were delighted to provide sit-down and field interviews and "open our world" to the Chronicle team.

The episode aired on September 19, 2022 at 7:30 PM. They did an amazing job and we are so grateful for the team's integrity and professionalism!

Segment 1 of the episode           Segment 2 of the episode

   September 12, 2022 - Camp Ramah New England Eruv Inspection

Logo      Ahead of a Maimonides School Shabbaton at the Camp Ramah New England facility in Palmer, MA, we were asked to inspect the portion of the Eruv there that is utilized during the off-season. Armed with lechis, nails, twine, duct tape, a ladder, and assorted tools, we spent 6 hours on-site reviewing every connection and repairing issues where necessary.

You can view a map of the "winter" Eruv at our Ramah Eruv page. To allow a road crossing to be only 8-feet high for Shabbos but allow truck traffic through during the week, we devised a removable twine assembly that can be securely put in-place just before Shabbos and then removed and stored away Sunday morning.

   April 3, 2022 - Maimonides School Seniors Take Shabbat Eruv Tour

Logo      As part of an annual school Shabbaton, the Maimonides School Senior class took a one-hour Eruv tour on a Shabbat afternoon. We began with a brief summary of how the project came to be, the importance of volunteering, and the impact that the Eruv has had on the community.

During the walking tour, we stopped at several utility poles to further understand the physical instantiation of a Tzurat HaPesach and to see what impact the Eruv experiences when a new utility pole is about to replace an older pole. Next, we stopped at the Brookline Reservoir and explained how the sloped angle of the flagstone walls forms an Halachically valid mechitzah. From there, we walked to the "edge" of the Eruv and examined a block's worth of utility poles and their lechi attachments.

The students were engaged and interested in learning about the Eruv. This kind of "in-the-field" practical Halachic experience is an important component of their education.

   March 21, 2022 - New Bike/Pedestrian Path: Boston Eruv and James W. Flett Company Partnership

Path      The Boston Eruv team met today with representatives of MassDOT and the James W. Flett Company to review an upcoming construction project in the Beacon St/Maitland St area that will impact the Eruv border. Starting in April, the existing Eruv border between Miner and Maitland streets will be transitioning to a set of temporary poles and twine while a brand new 25-30 foot wide pedestrian/bike path is constructed. We want to be sure that (1) the Eruv is not impacted during the construction and (2) that the new fencing along the path will meet Eruv specifications as a kosher mechitzah.

The contractor team understands our needs both in terms of materials and methodology and timing via-a-vis the Shabbat. We will be meeting regularly throughout the project to ensure that there are no avoidable surprises and that the Eruv remains usable every week during the construction phase. Finally, we are in agreement about how to tie in the Eruv to the new fence ends (at Miner St and at Maitland St) so that the Eruv will be fully ready when the path project is completed.

Thanks to the Flett Co. and MassDOT for their cooperation and support!

   February 15, 2022 - Free online Eruv tax filing software

Form 990      Starting in 2022, Eruv organizations can no longer file their 990 (990-EZ) forms using paper forms. Rather, these forms have to be filed online. We were looking for a free option to file our forms since most online tax preparation services that include support for non-profits charge quite a bit of money.

It turns out that the Civic Leadership Project provides an online application that enables a non-profit with annual revenues less than $100,000 (this would apply to most Eruv organizations) to file the Form 990 or 990-EZ with all applicable schedules for no charge.

Please consider checking them out at their website! The organization is also very responsive when you contact them via their customer support email address.

   November 5, 2021 - The passing of a generous benefactor and leader

Aaron Feuerstein      Aaron Feuerstein, who just passed away, was a community-focused individual who saw the tremendous potential of people. When I discussed the plans for the Eruv during the early 1990s, Aaron made a commitment to help us make this project a reality. His clarity of vision and dedication to the community prompted him to donate a very generous sum of money that propelled our fundraising for our build-the-Eruv campaign to the finish line. It is not hyperbole that we could not have completed this project without him. His continued interest in the Eruv over the ensuing decades when we would meet around town or in shul was palpable and real. Our community has lost a generational leader. May his memory be for a blessing.

   October 31, 2021 - Beacon St-Brookline Av Reconstruction Project

Fenway Center      We are working closely with IQHQ project management as they begin construction of the new Fenway Center. This work impacts our current Eruv attachments and we are aligning our weekly needs with IQHQ's schedule of work. They are a great partner. To see more about the project, try their site.

   September 1, 2021 - Chabad Rabbis Issue Landmark Statement About Eruvin

Kol Koreh      An international group of Chabad Rabbis issued a landmark letter (Kol Koreh) on the subject of permitting an Eruv in an urban area. You can view the full letter, in Hebrew and English, with its footnotes here.

  May 20, 2021 - Eruv tour for KI students

Eruv tour      We were thrilled to host a group of 6th and 7th grade students from our local Congregation Kehillath Israel Hebrew School. They have been learning a unit about Shabbat and permissible carrying and the concepts of private and public domains. Their teacher reached out to us and asked if the students could meet us in the field, ask questions about what an Eruv is and how it is built and maintained. We agreed that this was a wonderful idea. We chose an area on the Eruv where the students could see how different construction elements can become part of the Eruv. This includes fencing, over-the-street strings attached to existing poles, over-the-street strings attached to Eruv poles, and the standard pole attachment/lechi on utility poles. An informative 90 minute session was enjoyed by all and the kids (and their teacher) had a great time seeing the Halachot of Eruv and Shabbat practically applied.

  March, 2021 - Times of Israel Blog Posting


  March 3, 2021 - Carlton Street Footbridge Project

The Brookline Muddy River Flood Risk Management Construction Project: Phase 2 Carlton Street Footbridge was updated on January 26, 2021 to provide the following update: "In addition, the Carlton Street Footbridge Rehabilitation project was re-advertised by MassDOT Highway this fall. Five bids were received and the successful low bid of $3,955,053.50 was submitted by Aetna Bridge Company out of Rhode Island. MassDOT, the primary funding and contract administrative agent for the project, held a Pre-construction COnference on Friday, December 18, 2020. A construction schedule and approach to dismantling and removing the existing footbridge is being developed by the Contractor, in close coordination with the MBTA, Boston Parks, Charter Contracting, and Brookline DPW. It is anticipated that the site preparation and mobilization, including tree removals, will commence in the winter 2021, with the project reaching substantial completion in spring 2022." Full Article

The Boston Eruv has been in discussions with the Town about the project since 2017 when it was first proposed. We met on-site with MassDOT, Brookline Town engineers, Aetna Bridge contractors, and the Brookline Tree Arborist on March 3, 2021 to review the impact that this project will have on the Eruv border. The tzurat ha-pesach at the south side of the footbridge has been in-place and relatively untouched since 1992.

We have agreements in-place with the contractors and the Town to handle maintaining our Eruv mechitza at this location both during the construction and the erection of the new footbridge.

  October, 2020 - MDR Construction Helps Us Out!

The MDR Construction team, working on part of the Gateway East project in Brookline Village, reached out to us about impending changes to our aerial attachments as old light fixtures are removed and new poles are installed. They offered to make the necessary changes for us at a very busy intersection (Brookline Ave and Washington St). We met on site and reviewed the requirements. We also loaned them a spool of our Eruv twine. Within two days, they had modifed the pole finials to accept the necessary Eruv hardware attachments and removed the old aerial spans and installed the new spans. They really came through for us! You can find out more about MDR at their website.

  July, 2020 - Educational tour for high-schoolers

Rabbi Eliezer Bercuson, Judaic Studies teacher at Maimonides School, reached out to us about a field trip for a "Summer Halacha Program" the first topic of which is Eruv. We met with a group of middle and high-school students at a point in the Eruv where we could see a Tzuras HaPesach made of poles and twine. We then walked along the border where a chain link fence serves as the Mechitzah, then to a short Tzuras HaPesach bridging over a sidewalk, then to typical Lechi construction along a street. Finally, we looked at an installation where the lechi is a length of black electrical tape as our Town was not ready to allow us full-size plastic Lechi strips on expensive, decorative light poles.
The students and Rabbi Bercuson had several questions about design, maintenance, and support that we discussed. It was a great, field meeting.

  April, 2020 - Engineering planning update

A new walking/bike pathway is in the planning stages between Miner St and Overland St in the Fenway area. We met on site today to review the placement of our Tzuras HaPesach at the Miner St cross-over when the project goes into the construction stage.

  November 2019 - Portugal Eruv - 1st in 500 years

The Jerusalem Post reports that an Eruv has been constructed and put into service in the Portugese town of Belmonte. This is the first Eruv built in Portugal in over 500 years. See the Links page to retrieve the JPost article.

  November 2019 - Wellesley-Weston Chabad Center Eruv Erected

Rabbi Moshe Bleich of the Wellesley-Weston Chabad Center) reached out to us for assistance in completing their Eruv around two residential lots (one for the Chabad residence and one for the Shul/Activity center and playground). We are providing support to ensure this Eruv meets all Halachic guidelines and thus helps all the congregants when attending services at this Chabad. Rabbi Bleich, Ofer Levi (a Chabad congregant), and Dr. Hefter gathered at the properties on November 4 and completed the necessary repairs to establish the Eruv.

  August 2019 - Pearl St/Washington St Construction

A lot of work is currently ongoing in the Pearl St. and Washington St. area in Brookline. Major construction has already disrupted our original Eruv border from the MBTA Brookline Village stop to Washington St. We are working closely with Suffolk Construction, MDR Contracting, MA State DOT, and the Town of Brookline to develop a permanent, alternate path for the Eruv boundary in this area. We are hoping for continuous Eruv service each Shabbat during this period. Our new border was constructed on Friday, August 16, 2019. The online map has also been updated.

  February 2019 - Military Rabbi Checking Unit's Eruv Foiled Terrorist Attack

Read this inspiring article from the Jewish Press that proves that "truth is stranger than fiction".

  August 2018 - Commonwealth Avenue Reconstruction Project - Mass DOT/Walsh Construction

For the second year in a row, the Eruv border in the area of the BU bridge was impacted by the massive reconstruction project at the intersection of the BU Bridge, Commonwealth Avenue, and the Mass Pike overpass bridge. The cooperation between the general contractor, Walsh Construction, and the Eruv Corporation was perfect and we were able to make adjustments to our border each Friday to maintain the Eruv. Below are some sample imaged of the beehive of activity there (night and day) and our own reconstruction work.

Sample day and night images of the extent of construction at the site (July and August)
Eruv repairs at the construction site and a happy Dr. Hefter and Dan Strom once all repairs were completed in week 2

  June 2018 - Boating on Chandler Pond

Chandler Pond, located behind the homes on Kenrick St in Brighton, has been consistently used by residents along the Pond and by Dr. Jennifer Gordon (Kadimah Toras-Moshe) on a regular basis now for many months. Accordingly, the Pond is now considered within the Eruv and the Mechitzos that are present there are no longer required to exclude that area. This mean that walking on either side of Kenrick St, Lake Ave, and Undine Rd are fully allowed. If utilization of the Pond is curtailed at some point in the future, we will notify our constituency.

  February 2018 - Boating on the Larz Anderson Pond

Although we generally use the Eruv Air (Swamp) Boat on the two pond sections at the Larz Anderson Pond in South Brookline for maintaining the Kashrus of the overall Eruv, we have experienced extended cold conditions and the pond has been frozen now for weeks. In order to use the surface of the Pond (and skating is not allowed by the Town), we have used two remote-controlled vehicles simultaneously on each side. Below are images of the Eruv "Monster" Truck [New Bright RC , More info...] and the Eruv Amphibious vehicle [Brookstone Rover Land and Sea , More Info...] out on the ice. The former is controlled via a small hand-held controller and the latter via a smartphone or tablet (using WiFi).

The Rover has come in especially handy when the Eruv boat and Monster trucks have become stuck while out on the pond - the Rover has had no problems in pushing them back to shore! It is a rugged and reliable unit. It also includes an onboard camera and we attach here a picture (far right) of Dr. Hefter operating the Rover from the shore while the vehicle is backing away from the shoreline while out on the ice. Technology in the service of humanity and the Torah!

Truck on Pond Rover on Pond Rover Picture

  July/August 2017 - Commonwealth Avenue Reconstruction Project - Boston

After two years of planning, the Commonwealth Avenue bridge replacement project (Eastbound lanes) started. The impact to the Eruv has been mitigated through months of close cooperation of the Eruv Corporation President and representatives from Walsh Construction, one of the prime contractors on the project. Our northern Eruv boundary has been maintained even as huge cranes and other heavy equipment has been positioned in the worksite, only 100-250 feet away. We are monitoring the border carefully each week to ensure that there will not be any interruption of Eruv availability.

  February 2017 - First Phase of Swampscott Eruv Completed

We have completed the first phase of the Swampscott Eruv (overseen by the Greater Boston Eruv Corporation) and it is now operational. Thanks for the terrific partnership between Daniel Turgel and Rabbi Yossi Lipsker from the Swampscott community in partnering with GBEC to see this project through to a successful completion. Thanks to the Town of Swampscott, National Grid, and Verizon for their licensing permits. The community is now enjoying a new kind of Shabbos experience! The map of the Eruv is located under the Boundaries link. Kinyan Kesef

Dr. Jesse Hefter and Gino Cresta (Town of Swampscott Department of Public Works) execute a Kinyan Kesef agreement on January 23, 2017.

  October 2016 - Southern extension to the Eruv complete!

On Erev Yom Kippur, we were able to complete the extension to the Allston-Brighton-Brookline-Newton Eruv.

Thanks to the following for their support and involvement as we had to get permits and licenses or collaborated with:

  1. Town of Brookline (Legal, Public Works, Parks, Selectmen, Traffic)
  2. City of Newton (Legal, Public Works, Mayor)
  3. City of Boston (Legal, Public Works, Mayor)
  4. Verizon Communications, Inc.
  5. Eversource Incorporated
  6. Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
  7. The Country Club
  8. Boston Catholic Cemetery Association
  9. Atrius Health, Inc.
  10. Chestnut Hill Realty Associates
  11. Strom Electric Company
  12. Reliable Fence Incorporated
  13. BrightView Landscape, Inc.
  14. Stanton Sheet Metal & Fabrication

Kinyan Kesef ceremonies in advance of having the South Brookline Eruv Expansion operational

The Honorable Mayor Martin Walsh, Boston, September 25, 2016

The Honorable Mayor Setti Warren, Newton, September 27, 2016

Brookline Board of Selectmen: Nancy Heller, Melvin Kleckner, Dr. Jesse Hefter, Neil Wishinsky, Nancy Daly, Bernard Green, September 27, 2016

  July 2016 - Mass DOT Meeting to address upcoming road changes that impact the Eruv

We met with representatives of the Mass Department of Transportation to discuss upcoming changes to the poles that the Eruv uses in Newton (the Oak-Christina Intersection). Part of the project involves road widening and movement of the utility poles to new locations. We have a common understanding of how we will be notified next year when the project begins. We anticipate no interruptions to the Eruv availability during this time.


There are several enhancements that are being made to this new extension and this Eruv segment will be temporarily unavailable until the enhancements are deployed. Stay tuned! (12/25/15)
-September 2016: Construction well underway again- the final push!
-August 2016: Working to get final agreements with Brookline, Boston, and Newton...
-July 2016: Tree-trimming project along Hammond Pond Parkway completed. Construction anticipated to start by end of the month.
-June 2016: Licenses obtained from Verizon, Eversource, DCR, Atrius Health, and Chestnut Hill Realty.
-March 2016: Application for permits

- On Erev Shabbat, December 4, the "Chabad of Chestnut Hill" addition to the Greater Boston Eruv was completed. This multi-year project was the product of the cooperative efforts of Chabad of Chestnut Hill's visionary leader, Rabbi Mendy Uminer, and Dr. Jesse Hefter of the Greater Boston Eruv Corporation. This new Eruv will significantly expand the southern border of the existing Brookline/Brighton/Newton Eruv into South Brookline and towards West Roxbury (even south of VFW Parkway). The expansion area is shown on the online Eruv map. You can use the Contact Us link with any questions.

  September/October 2015

- October 22 - 226 poles completed of the Salem-Swampscott-Marblehead Eruv!
- September 25 - 57 poles completed of the Salem-Swampscott-Marblehead Eruv!
- September 22 - Construction begins on the Salem-Swampscott-Marblehead Eruv!

  August 2015

- 8/28/15 - Shabbat Ki Teitze - Eruv extension into the City of Waltham up for the first Shabbat! Mazel tov to the entire community!
- 8/20/15 - Performed Kinyan Kesef with Mayor McCarthy of Waltham for the Extended Waltham Eruv!

Waltham Kinyan Kesef
Waltham, MA Mayor's Office - Dr. Hefter performing the Kinyan Kesef with Mayor McCarthy

Waltham Kinyan Kesef
Waltham, MA Mayor's Office - OU-JLIC Brandeis Rabbi David Pardo with Mayor McCarthy (and the Kinyan Kesef)

- 8/18/15 - Received Proclamation from the Town of Marblehead for the Eruv - WOW!
Marblehead City Hall
Marblehead City Hall - outside Council Chambers after successful vote!

- Mayor Jeanette McCarthy of Waltham met with Rabbi David Pardo (OU-JLIC Brandeis) to review a segment of the proposed Waltham Eruv, part of GBEC. This Eruv will allow off-campus graduate students near the campus and student visiting Chabad to carry in those areas on Shabbat. See an image on our Pictures page!

- Jesse Hefter presented a proposal to the Marblehead Town Council on August 12, 2015 for permission to construct a part of the North Shore Eruv through the Town. The proposal was unanimously approved. This is the final permit required to allow us to start construction. We have already obtained Proclamations from the Town of Swampscott and the City of Salem.

  January 2015

- Shabbat Shirah in Malden - Dr. Jesse Hefter and his wife, Brenda, were guests of the Malden Commmunity (Congregation Beth Israel) to celebrate the recent expansion of the Eruv. The first phase of the Eruv was implemented 10 years ago.

  December 2014

- Malden - 12/12 - Eruv Extension is OPERATIONAL!
- Medford - Proclamation and Sechiras Reshus completed with the Mayor and our Eruv Team!

Sechiras reshus
(L to R): Jay Lamport (Congregation Beth Israel - President), Dr. Jesse Hefter (Greater Boston Eruv Corporation - President), Michael J. McGlynn (Mayor - Medford), Rabbi Yitzchak Rabinowitz (Congregation Beth Israel - Rabbi), Matthew Garland (Congregation Beth Israel - Executive Director)

- Malden - 12/12 - Sechiras Reshus completed with the Mayor and our Eruv Team!
Sechiras reshus
(L to R): Matthew Garland (Congregation Beth Israel - Executive Director), Jay Lamport (Congregation Beth Israel - President), Gary Christenson (Mayor - Malden), Rabbi Yitzchak Rabinowitz (Congregation Beth Israel - Rabbi), Dr. Jesse Hefter (Greater Boston Eruv Corporation - President)

- Marblehead - Town working on Proclamation
- Swampscott - Town working on Proclamation

  November 2014

  • Malden - Construction complete - planning on going live for Shabbat VaYeyshev!
  • Waltham - Construction slated to begin on Eruv extension
  • Swampscott - Final phase of proclamation process from Town
  • Marblehead - Awaiting next meeting with Marblehead Power and Light, then with City Council for Proclamation
  • North Shore Eruv fundraising meetings have begun

  October 2014

- Salem - Proclamation received from City!

  September 2014
  • Malden - Construction complete - review and final paperwork in-progress...
  • North Shore - Unanimous approval from Town Council - awaiting next meeting with full City Council for Resolution

  August 2014
  • Malden - All permits and licenses obtained - construction planning underway!
  • Waltham - All permits and licenses obtained - final determination of owner for forested area south of campus through which planned mechitzah will run; then on to construction!
  • North Shore - All licenses obtained - setting up individual town meetings for final approval then on to construction

  February 2014

- Amherst - Completed second survey to review pole identification for Town Permit and to review alternatives for part of the UMass border

  January 2014

  • Malden - Preparing TRA/MBCR/MBTA and Verizon/National Grid License Applications
  • North Shore - Submitted Verizon/National Grid/Marblehead Power and Light License Applications
  • Brandeis - Survey with TRA on railroad crossings in Waltham associated with Eruv expansion

  December 2013
  • North Shore - Met with the Swampscott Commissioner of Public Works regarding a bridge crossing - we are a go there!
  • North Shore - Met with MBCR and MBTA officials to discuss updated plan for crossing commuter rail tracks - positive outcome; submitted a new proposal to TRA for signature approval.

    Meeting at MBTA

    Staff from MBCR and MBTA meet with Dr. Hefter (right)

  • UMass/Amherst - Face-to-face meeting with WMeCo officials in Hadley, MA very successful.

  November 2013

  • UMass/Amherst - Conference calls with WMeCO progressing well; initial meeting with UMass positive. Reaching out to Amherst officials.
  • Brandeis/Waltham - Awaiting meeting with City of Waltham for approval of off-campus segments.
  • Malden - Written expansion planned reviewed; will need to contact city, MBTA, and utilities for permit extensions.
  • North Shore - Updated proposal sent to National Grid for railroad crossing proposal. Awaiting response.

  October 2013
  • Onsite review of Brandeis University Eruv and expansion plans. Completed definition of borders and next steps for meeting with the city, university and other licensing parties.
  • Initial meeting with MBCR in Swampscott to review the Tzurat HaPesach needs that involve the commuter rail system. Expanding the discussion to National Grid for a possible simpler, permanent solution to crossing the rail tracks.
  • Initial meeting with UMass/Amherst students to design an Eruv for the campus and nearby neighborhoods (under the GBEC umbrella).
  • On October 27, 2013, Rabbi Yosi Eisen, the UMass/Amherst OU/JLIC Rabbi, and three volunteers students (right-to-left: Elisheva, Nathan, Ariel, Rabbi Eisen, Dr. Hefter) met with Jesse Hefter of GBEC to tour the campus and establish an initial design for an Eruv that could include nearly all the campus and extend into nearby neighborhoods. One day earlier, Dr. Hefter was invited to deliver a Shabbat morning d'rasha at the KHH/JLIC Minyan during which he explained the importance of an Eruv and the technical basics associated with establishing an Eruv in contemporary settings.

    Amherst Eruv Survey Team

  Shabbat HaGadol 2012 - The 1000th Shabbat of our Community Eruv. Dr. Hefter was invited to speak at the Young Israel of Brookline on that Shabbat. Several weekends later, Dr. Hefter spoke to the Maimonides Kehillah after Shabbat morning davening about the history and genesis of the Eruv.

Shabbat Ha-Elef

  September 2013 - Moving forward with permit application to MBTA for North Shore Eruv. Nearly ready to submit the Verizon application for pole attachments.

  August 2013 - Restarting Brandeis Eruv expansion project with the new OU-JLIC rabbi, Rabbi David Pardo, on campus. More to come...

  June 2013 - Took 6th grade Maimonides School class on the 2nd annual short walking tour of the Eruv - the students asked some good questions about mechitzah, Eruv repair, and Eruv design. Thanks to Rabbi Yakov Beker for setting up the invitation.

  March 2013 - Interfacing with Engineering Firm working on the BU Law School facilities upgrade and the need to reroute the Eruv for several months during upcoming construction activities.

  January 2013 - Working on Eruv extension in South Brookline

  December 2012 - Working with Swampscott - Marblehead on Eruv

  April 2012 - Took 6th grade Maimonides School class on a short walking tour of the Eruv - the students had great questions and were very curious. Thanks to Rabbi Yakov Beker for setting up the invitation. Maimonides School Eruv Tour

  November 2011 - Rabbi Heinemann visits Marblehead/Swampscott to review proposed Eruv; the plan looks good.

  September 2011 - Final review of plan for Marblehead/Swampscott Eruv Design.

  January 2011 - Working with a team in Marblehead/Swampscott on the initial stages of an Eruv design.

  November 2010
  • Newton MA: Completed expansion of Eruv in the Langley Road area to include more homes and to simplify weekly inspection. Please see the "MAP" page for more details.
  • Newton, MA: Completion of 2 new Tzurot Ha-Pesach on Erev Shabbat VaYishlach. We are using special lechiim and overhead line to accommodate the request of the hotel. Looks cool.
  • New Bedford, MA: The announcement of the impending closing of the Agudas Achim synagogue has stopped the Eruv project at this time.

  September 2010 - Newton, MA: Successful meeting held with representatives of the company that operates the Crowne Plaza. We now have a plan for re-installing our extension to the Eruv that will enable people staying in the hotel for Shabbat to carry from the hotel to Newton (the southern side of the hotel).

  May 2010 - Boston MA - Rabbi Zalmen Leff of the Boston Academy of Talmudic Research requested a tour of the Eruv in order to provide a key practical link between the topics of Eruvin that the Kollel students are studying and an actual urban Eruv. See some pictures! We were able to review about 25% of the border - more to come...

  May 2010 - New Bedford, MA - Met with Rabbi Barry Hartman, Mayor Scott Lang, and city officials to move the plan ahead for submitting an application for a Permit to erect an Eruv.

  2009 - Camp Ramah - Palmer, MA
  • June 2009 - GBEC consults and assists in completion of new Eruv. Phase II (the A-side of camp completed 6/12/09) - Read an article about the project.
  • June 2009 - GBEC consults and assists in construction of new Eruv for Camp Ramah, Palmer, MA. Phase I (the B-side of camp completed 6/5/09)
  • April 2009 - GBEC erects temporary Eruv at Camp Ramah - New England (Palmer, MA) for a Maimonides High School Shabbaton. (The Camp's Summer Eruv is quite large and not yet ready for this season.)

  2009-2010 - Brandeis University
  • June 2010 - Approval from NStar for Pole Attachments.
  • December 2009 - Approval from Verizon for Pole Attachments.
  • October 2009 - Application for Permit to Verizon for Pole Attachments.
  • June 2009 - A second meeting was held to move the 1st phase of the project along. Read more about it!
  • March 2009 - Discussions about possible expansion of the Brandeis Eruv into parts of Waltham.

  April 2009 - Initial conversations about an Eruv project in Bangor, ME.

  November 2008 - Request to assist in the completion of an Eruv in Worcester, MA.

  July 2007 - Initial discussion with Rabbi Barry Hartman of New Bedford about an Eruv for the city.

  July 2007 - The community around Crystal Lake in Newton is now within the Eruv. The City of Newton now permits residents and guests to use Crystal Lake year-round. Car-top-carried boats (kayaks, canoes, small rowboats without engines) are permitted during the daytime. People have been and are now regularly using the lake more than a majority of the year. Thus, the residential areas around the lake are now considered part of the Eruv. One cannot wade into the lake on Shabbat but walking/carrying in the areas south of Beacon St., east of Walnut St., and west of Centre St. are now Halachically available for Hotza-ah/carrying. [effective 7/6/2007]

  October 2007 - Newton Eruv border around Bulloughs Pond has changed, please see Maps page for more information.

  June 2007 - Permits for Malden Eruv Expansion completed

  February 17, 2007 - Invited talk about the Eruv to the Minyan Shaleym congregation in Brookline.

  February 10, 2007 - Expansion planned for Malden Eruv

  January 10, 2007 - Proposed Lynn Eruv described in Jewish Press.

  January 10, 2007 - Article in Jewish Press about Lynn Eruv

Eruv To Be Constructed Near Boston

Congregation Ahabat Sholom of Lynn, Mass., is announcing the construction of the Lynn Eruv that will be a component of (although not physically contiguous with) the Greater Boston Eruv Corporation, a 501-c (3) nonprofit organization registered in Massachusetts. The eruv’s consultants are Rabbi Moshe Heinemann of Baltimore and Dr. Jesse Hefter, a lay volunteer and president of the Greater Boston Eruv Corporation, who has built eruvim in Boston, Brookline, Newton and Malden in Massachusetts and one in Newport, R.I., serving the Touro Synagogue.

Congregation Ahabat Sholom was established in 1901 in the Diamond District and was the first Orthodox synagogue north of Boston.

The Diamond District (also known as the “Gold Coast”) was a very prestigious waterfront vacation haven where the executives of the shoe industry built beautiful summer mansions. It is now a year-round community.

The shul is conveniently located near kosher shopping with good public transportation and new roads to Boston. One can see the Atlantic Ocean from the steps of the shul and it is only a small walk to say tashlich.

Congregation Ahabat Sholom is a member of the Orthodox Union, and its rabbi, Avraham Kelman, received his semichah from Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik and is a graduate of Yeshiva University. The community mikveh is located on the shul premises and was built by Rabbis Mordechai Twersky and Samuel Zaitchik (Emeriti) and Rabbi Savitsky, z”l.

Lynn is one of the country’s underdeveloped oceanfront communities. It has affordable housing that is beautiful, especially the antique shoe factories that have been restored and remodeled into gorgeous lofts and apartments close to the shul.

Young families are invited to visit the community to become members.

For more information and to make donations for the eruv, contact Faigie and Hank Goodman, c/o Congregation Ahabat Sholom, 151 Ocean St., Lynn, MA 01902, or e-mail Please mark your checks “Eruv use only.”

  December 6, 2006 - We receive a request on behalf of the Kollel community in East Berlin, Germany, for information to support their efforts to build an Eruv. Today, there are 100,000 Jews in Germany.

  July 17, 2006 - Invited Eruv Presentation to the 2006 Gralla Fellows Program.

  March 19, 2006 - Jesse Hefter, the president of the Eruv, spoke about the Eruv at a Shul Breakfast organized by Congregation Beth El-Atereth Israel, Newton, MA.

  March 19, 2006 - Jesse Hefter, the president of the Eruv, spoke about the Eruv at a Shul Breakfast organized by Congregation Beth El-Atereth Israel, Newton, MA.
  • One may transit the following Newton Mass Pike overpasses on Shabbat: Lewis St., Harvard St., Walnut St., Lowell Ave.
  • The southern entrance to the Sheraton Hotel at the Mass Pike in Newton (near Exit 17) is accessible to the Eruv. This includes the Main Entrance (turning towards Centre St.).
  • The "Maps" link now provides all updated maps and directions for the places within the Eruv district that are not able to be transited on Shabbat. Please carefully review this information if you plan on walking near these areas on Shabbat.
  • The new Boston University extension to the community Eruv is an extension, not independent, of the "greater" Eruv.
  • The hospital complexes (Children's, Brigham and Women's, Deaconess, Beth Israel) in the Longwood Avenue area of Boston are NOT in the Eruv.

      January 13, 2006 - Invited to present Oneg Shabbat Lecture at Congregation Kadimah-Toras Moshe, Brighton, MA- "The Boston Eruv: From Idea to Reality"

      November 15, 2005 - Request from Student Eruv Council, Cornell University for information on working with Campus Officials for assistance in their campus Eruv Project.

      November 8, 2005 - Request from Temple Reyim, Newton for extension to the Eruv...
  • October 21, 2005 - BU Eruv Extension completed in time for Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot!!!
  • October 16, 2005 - BU Eruv Extension review completed; additional tree-trimming around new twines and other new repairs still required.
  • October 3, 6-7, 2005 - BU Eruv Extension Repairs are made; need final review.
  • September 2005 - BU Eruv Extension Repairs are scheduled.
  • August 27, 2005 - Rabbi Heinemann visits Boston to review all aspects of the BU Eruv Extension.
  • August 2005 - BU Eruv Construction Begins.
  • April 10, 2005 - Contractor review of BU Eruv; quote to be developed and materials to be ordered.
  • March 2, 2005 - BU approves Eruv proposal. Contactor scheduling next...
  • July 20, 2004 - Official Eruv Proposal to BU sent to Vice-President of Physical Plant for Review and Comments. The BU Board will need to approve it before we can take the next steps.
  • June 25, 2004 - Malden Eruv is operational; a 3-year project completed; Kein Yirbu...
  • June 15, 2004 - Site visit at BU to review updated plans for Eruv design that will link BU Eruv to Greater Boston Eruv.
  • December 10, 2003 - R. Heinemann visits to review proposed Lynn, MA Eruv border.
  • November 25, 2003 - City Proclamation and Kinyan Kesef with the Mayor of Malden - we are nearly there! (Pictures coming).
  • November 9, 2003 - R. Heinemann visits to re-check Malden and re-view Boston.
  • October 9, 2003 - Malden Eruv Construction Completed; R. Heinemann to re-visit in November for final review.
  • September 25, 2003 - Newport Eruv UP!!!!! (Read News Item !
  • September 15, 2003 - Construction of Malden Eruv begins...
  • September 12, 2003 - Re-check by R. Heinemann complete, all repairs made...Next is Kinyan Kesef and we will be UP!
  • July 17, 2003 - Construction completed today on the Newport, RI Eruv. Next step is a re-check by R. Heinemann in August...
  • July 14, 2003 - Construction began today on the Newport, RI Eruv.
  • May 22, 2003 - All permits for the Malden Eruv have been obtained. Planning for construction is underway!
  • April 29, 2003 - All permits for the Newport, RI Eruv are in hand and a construction preview meeting was held on-site. This project started in 2001. The Eruv is designed to include the Touro Synagogue, the Admiral Weaver Inn (Kosher B&B), and the Viking Hotel.
  • February 14, 2003 - IMPORTANT: Dexter Road in Newton is now out of the Eruv from Walnut Street (two poles north of Dexter on the east side of the street) to the curb on the eastern side of Bulloughs Park Road. Mill Street is still completely accessible. Please consult this map to clarify the areas in which you may walk.
  • January 17, 2003 - The BU Eruv project is once again on track. Final negotiations with BU Facilities staff, the MTA, and NStar are underway.
  • December 14, 2002 - South Newton Eruv Extension is LIVE. The effort here began with a request from Phil and Jane Hanser of the South Newton community who were interested in having the Eruv extend around their part of town. The Hansers compiled a list of the poles needed by following the proposed street routes, and, while the Greater Boston Eruv team worked on the licenses and permits, worked with their community and CJP on fundraising. The Hansers were instrumental in the expansion of the Eruv into South Newton.
  • October 31, 2002 - The North Shore-based Jewish Journal publishes a "Top Story" entitled 'Keeping the Sabbath in Lynn May Become Easier' discussing the upcoming Eruv there. We have a copy of the article here.
  • August 23, 2002 - Newton City Hall Area Enhancement - The Eruv now crosses the western side of the City Hall Complex between the last light pole on the carriage road east of Lowell Ave. to a utility pole on the west side of Homer Street. Shabbat walkers may now cross at the pedestrian crosswalk at the intersection of Commonweath, Homer, and Lowell in a protected manner. Be sure to walk north of the carriage road if proceeding easterly (towards Walnut St.).
  • August 21, 2002 - South Newton Eruv construction complete. Next step is a Rabbinic review.
  • September 2000 - The Nonantum Eruv (North Newton) in the Adams Street Shul neighborhood is complete! Call the Main Eruv Status Line (above) for weekly status information. View the borders for this Eruv. This Eruv is contiguous with the Boston Eruv.
  • Active Eruv activities with both Malden and Lynn, MA
    • May 2001 - Initial Perimeter review with Lynn completed.
    • March 2001 - Second Perimeter Review with Malden completed.
    • July 2001 - R. Heinemann visited to review Malden plans.
    • April 2002 (Malden) Mayor's Office Approval Granted
    • May 2002 (Malden) Verizon License Approved!
    • May 2002 (Malden) Mass Electric License Application Submitted; Need more insurance first.
    • August 2002 (Malden) MBTA License being prepared...
    • September 2002 (Malden) Upgraded Insurance obtained, submitted both Mass Electric and MBTA Permit Requests
    • January 2003 (Malden)
      • Successful Field Review with MBTA Staff!
      • Field Survey by Mass Electric Staff Underway prior to approval of permit.
      • May - 2003 - Mass Electric Approves Eruv!
      • Construction planning underway!!!
  • The Cambridge-Somerville Eruv Project is complete (September 2002). Mazel Tov!.

      1998 - South Brookline Eruv Announced

    An Eruv was completed in part of South Brookline in Summer 1998. This Eruv is NOT contiguous with the Boston Eruv. Its status is unknown.

      1999 - BU Eruv Plan

    Project underway for Boston University Eruv... Permit collection underway - R. Heinemann visits to check any remaining Halachik issues (August 1999). Student interest has renewed; the project should accelerate in the Fall.
